Getting to Know Reece

We’re so excited that Pastor Reece and his family are here in Washington and are getting settled in. It takes time to get to know new people but to give you a head start, we played a game of question and answer with Reece that we’re sharing with you here.

  1. What's your favorite Bible verse?

    It depends on the season, but over the last couple of years, I've found great encouragement from Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

  2. Who has had the most positive impact in your life?

    Outside of Jesus, my wife Meredith.

  3. Where did you and Meredith do on your first date?

    We met and had our first date in Tyler, TX. We went hiking up a small hill overlooking a lake and I made a freeze dried, backpacking meal for dinner when we got to the top. The food wasn't too good, but we stopped and got drinks at Sonic afterwards to make up for it! 

  4. How do you like to spend your free time?

    Reading, drinking coffee, cooking, traveling, but most of all, hanging out with our family and friends!

  5. What's the best family vacation you've taken?

    Honestly, Washington! Last January, before we even knew Sound City existed, our family booked a trip to stay with a friend in Edmonds. The five of us had a blast going on different adventures each day together in the beautiful summer weather!

  6. What's something you like that most people generally dislike?

    I'm quite comfortable with long, awkward pauses in conversations :)

  7. What's your favorite sport to play or watch?

    Dallas Cowboys!

  8. What is a skill you've always wanted to learn?

    How to surf

  9. What is something you aren't good at but wish you were?

    Playing piano

  10. What's the craziest thing you've ever eaten?

    Fish heads

We thank Pastor Reece for indulging our questions and look forward to getting to know the Woodruff family more over the coming days. Make sure to say hello and introduce yourself at church on Sunday.